Sorry its taken forever to blog another post, but life gets crazy busy the closer it gets to my wild man's arrival. Alot has happened since the last post. I started seeing a high risk doctor, Dr. Connie Graves. Which is the best of the best when it comes to maternal fetal medicine doctors. She is the head of Tennessee Maternal Fetal Association, which means Rylan and I are in very good hands. We had another ultrasound done at 21 weeks and 3 days to check Rylan's cyst that were on his brain, and with the amazing power of prayer we found out that the cysts were gone! I'm telling you God is great and we are so blessed to have a healthy baby boy! From that point on I had to have ultrasounds every 4 weeks to monitor his growth. So we go back for another ultrasound and to our surprise we found out he is going to be a BIG boy!!! Every time we went back for an ultrasound we would find out just how big he had gotten. Our last ultrasound was last week and was Rylan Kent was 4lbs and 10oz. He even has hair and a fat roll on his neck! His head is in the 99 percentile and body in the 86 percentile. So we have ourselves a little chunky monkey! But I wouldn't want him any other way!!!
Now we are at 32 weeks and 3 days and I started weekly ultrasounds today to make sure everything is ok with me and little man. Today he weighed 5lbs and my fluid levels were a little low. So, I've gone to 1/2 days at work, I've got to increase my water intake and rest, rest, and you guessed it rest! She's going to recheck my fluid levels next week and hopefully they've gone back up. If not I am assuming it would be bed rest and possibly even taking him earlier than what I want. I at least want his little lungs to be fully developed, which they took tons of images of them today and monitored him practicing his breathing. I am so excited to get to see him every week now, its crazy how big he's getting and getting to watch him grow inside my belly is a pretty amazing gift! It's the best feeling in the world to feel him moving around like a wild child in there. I am honestly gonna miss him being in there, even though I am so ready and excited to have him in my arms. We found out today that she's going to take him at 37 weeks, so I can come off of my blood thinner injections in time. I'm thinking it will be the weekend of May 17,18,19, or 20th. I'm hoping they have me go in Thursday May 17 to start the induction and hopefully he will be here May 18, 2012!! It's getting scary close now and all I can do is pray and know that Gods in control and he will keep me and Rylan safe as we take the next step in this journey.
We are getting excited about our baby shower coming up April 21, 2012!!! I absolutely love the baseball theme!! It couldn't fit Daniel, Rylan, and I any better!! I'm so excited to see what all he gets and to start putting everything together and finally getting ready for our little peanut! After next weekend I will be set and little man can make hes arrival!!!
Rylan at 28 weeks |
Rylan at 32w3d |
29 weeks |
Baby Shower cake, but HOOLIHAN and #9 on the jersey! |
Baseball cupcakes for the shower as well |