I am 13w6d prego! As my first trimester comes to an end, my sweet baby is the size of a peach!! It's head is now about half the size of his or her crown to rump length! It's intestines, which have been growing inside the umbilical cord, are now starting to move to their permanent home inside the abdomen. Also developing this week is its vocal cords( the better to cry with... soon!) My uterus is now the size of a grapefruit which is really starting to make me show!! I'm sure everyone already knows we find out what baby Hoolihan is on December 17, 2011. Which is 16 days, 16 hours, and 29 min away... but no body's counting! LOL I am so excited to find out, I feel like I can have a stronger bond with my sweet baby once I know that it's Mr. Rylan Kent Hoolihan or Miss Bristol Anzlee Hoolihan! I'm so excited to let everyone know as well, I've got a neat way to let our families know what baby is that evening. So, everyone will have to be on the look out for a post on facebook and pictures to come with the announcement!! Everyone just say a prayer that baby cooperates and wants us to find out that day!! We go to baby doctor the Wednesday before we find out what baby is! I'm excited to hear that sweet sweet sound again!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping!!! I had a wonderful Thanksgiving, the food was amazing what a wonderful time to be pregnant! Daniel and I went shopping on Black Friday, we bought diapers and more diapers and I got a great deal on a pump! My parents bought us our baby furniture!!! I absolutely love it and can't wait for it to come in, so we can put it together!! I also put up the baby's tree in its room and then our family tree!! I love our trees and I think everyone else did too! Can't wait for the next update... stay tuned!
Today we got to hear the most amazing sound ever, our baby's heartbeat!! It was so touching and such a huge relief to hear the BEST sound on earth! Baby Hoolihan is doing great, which is such a blessing. I thank God everyday for my baby and pray that it's going to be healthy as can be. Daniel and I are so grateful for everyone's prayers along the way. You have no idea how much it means to us to know that our baby has little prayer warriors and that its loved by so many already!! Now the count down is on until we find out what baby Hoolihan will be!! I will be 18 weeks the week of Christmas and Im hoping Dr. Chern will let us find out that week and if not it will be the week after. How awesome would it be to get to know for out Christmas present! By the way I have an awesome gender revel for our families! =)
Thanksgiving is only 8 days away, and I am so ready to pig out on all of that yummy food oh yeah and spend time with our families. =) LOL what pregnant girl doesn't get excited about food! On another note I am so ready for Christmas. I hung my wreath tonight and on Sunday I had my wonderful hubby and step dad pull all of my Christmas stuff down from the attic!! Now all we have to do is get a REAL Christmas tree! I have finally talked my paranoid hubby into letting me have one, but he only says just this one year! I am still working on him letting me get a little tree this year for baby's room, but I'm use to getting my way so I'm sure we'll have one before to long! =) I love you Punkin!! Hope everyone has a wonderful holidays!!
Friday November 4, 2011 started my tenth week of pregnancy! I can't believe we've made it this far =). Baby Hoolihan is doing great and growing like a weed! As for me I'm doing great too, belly is getting bigger, boobs are getting huge (can we say ouch), belly is big and bruised (but completely worth it!), I'm still getting sick (on a good note not as often as the beginning). Sleep.. that's all I want to do now.
Sorry it's been a little while since I've wrote. I've been super busy the past couple of weeks. October 22, 2011 my little brother got married. Then Halloween weekend came and went, we spent Saturday morning at the Vandy game, then we headed to Trunk or Treat with the Hoolihan family, finally we went to a bonfire party with my family! A great weekend all together! This past weekend was Benton and Keyna's wedding. We have a craft show this weekend and then finally we go back to the doctor on November 16, 2011! I so can not wait to hear my sweet baby!!
8 weeks
Baby Hoolihan is the size of a prune and is getting bigger and bigger each day! This week baby has working arms joints, and its cartilage and bones are forming. It's vital organs are fully developed and they're starting to function. It's fingernails and hair are starting to appear ( hope all this heartburn pays off), and it's swallowing and kicking up a storm! It's about 1.2 inches long and weighs about 1.4 ounces. It's body length will almost double in the next three weeks!
Thanks everyone for keeping me and my little peanut in your prayers! The power of prayer is amazing, so please continue to keep them coming!! God has been so good to us!! Each morning on my way to work I talk to God and thank him so very much for giving me another opportunity to have another sweet miracle baby, and pray that I am blessed to have a healthy baby! I will continue to keep everyone updated on us!! Cant wait to share that sweet galloping horse sound with everyone in 8 days!!!
Wife, Daughter. Grandaughter. Sister. Best Friend. Lover. Laugher. Believer.
My name is Miranda Dawn Dixon-Hoolihan. I married my best friend, Daniel, on May 8, 2010. I have 2 fur babies a dog named Carter Kent which is a mini winnie dog and a cat named Patches, Im an orthodontic assistant and love putting braces on smiling faces=) We go to church at Long Hollow Baptist Church. I love Jesus Christ with all my heart! I cant wait to be a mother and enjoy the miracle of life. And my dream as a child is finally coming true as I will bring my sweet little man into this world June 4, 2012.